The outlook when we arrived |
Friday to Sunday weekend away this time to a place called Nug Nug Reserve about
15 km South of Myrtleford the reserve is well sign
posted from Buffalo River road about 13km out of Myrtleford.
Arrived around lunch time Friday to a downpour that lasted
around 2 hrs we impatiently sat in the car deciding weather to risk a wet
weekend or go home we decided what the heck we just brought a tarp to go over
the camper for days like this “we need to toughen up” and grow some so we put
up the camper in and out of showers that persisted to early evening. We moved
the chairs backwoods and forwards from the awning to the fire to eventually the
showers stoped and we sat around the fire drinking large amounts of alcohol
(well Linda did)
During the course of the evening Linda trying to get her shoes
dried “scorched” 1 of her shoes everything was fine until she said “oh well ill
replace them” I asked how much were they? $249 needless to say there was some
silence for some time, but I’m sure it was my fault or not keeping an eye on
Woke to the kookaburras around 6:30 / 7:00am stoked the fire,
cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast the weather cleared from a foggy/misty
morning to a brilliant day. Collected wood from around the area (well I watched
Linda as someone had to keep an eye on the fire, shit she worked hard!!!!) and
we cooked the left over bacon over the fire for a snacks latter then we decided
(I did) to cook our steak over the open fire as well as some potatoes placed in
the fire (2nd attempt Linda got impatient with the first lot and
they turned into charred cricket balls) she googled during the week as how best
to cook them then followed those instructions 2nd time around
Sat around the fire for a 2nd night not too cold
around 6deg the fire was raging by this stage again Linda drank lots of grog
while I sipped on a few.
Sunday morning up and a coffee around the fire packed up then in
to Myrtleford for a Coffee, Jam donut and sausage roll for the drive home unpacked
the trailer in the garage due to some wetness and have all the floor
covering/tarp out ready or next weekend to clean
Got home and quickly made a lamb roast for dinner with the kids
(Kirstie invited herself and David so we had to invite Luke and Monika
otherwise Kirstie will go to great lengths to let her brother know)
this trip:
more bread
innerspring mattress is much better the a foam mattress
brave when the weather is cr@p
5pm |
Breakfast time |
obvious |
Linda still looking for phone coverage |
Campsite's |
A lazy afternoon |