Friday, 30 September 2016

Gentle Annie Caravan Park, Whitifield. Vic

Had arranged to go camping with some friends who had decided that the weather was going to be too bad and decided to pull out of the weekend and the caravan park we originally booked into were concerned that they also would be flooded and unable to hold our group. 

I called around and found Gentle annie CP and 3 other couples  showed interest in attending so it was Gentle annie for the weekend, forecast was not too bad we thought so we were off for the weekend.

Arrived at the CP to showers all afternoon when Garrick and his family arrived and they set up camp in the rain tried to get the fire going was successful until the rain came back and made sitting around the fire a non-event, think we were all in bed by 8pm.

Rained all night, wind was enough to move the camper around a little woke in the morning noticing the weather forecast for the rest of the day and the Sat was more rain, a quick decision to bite the bullet and head home called the others letting them know we were heading home as the weather was terrible. Linda noticed that the water level had to closer to the camper 

Packed up in the wet and off home, now will spend the next 2 days drying out everything, new trip Mel Cup weekend hope the weather gods are on our side next time

The 1 positive for them tip is we had never camped or done a day trip out that way a place we will defiantly explore in the coming months “the king valley” region 

This photo shows the water level 18hrs after the next picture, both are the same "fire pit" area

Friday, 2 September 2016

Gold Rush Colony, Mogo NSW

Needed to be in Sydney on the Monday so we decided to take our time and make a long weekend of it leaving on the Friday, somehow I said “ I don't care where we stay” so ended up spending 2 nights in a town called Mogo and at a cabin in @ “The Original Gold Rush Colony”.

Mogo is a little between Batemans Bay and Moruya on the NSW South coast we arrived Friday afternoon booked in and went for a walk around the town to find a number of “crafty shops” where Linda was more than impressed with.

Up Saturday morning headed to a market in Moruya ( a tip from a local in Mogo) spent the morning walking around the market then off for breakfast in town, back to Mogo where Linda ditched me at the cabin (nana nap) to spend a few hours and more than a few dollars in the local economy (but we only brought good stuff)

A drive into Batemans bay for lunch at the “Marina” walk around town then back to Mogo for a coffee at a local cafe. Back to the “village” for a walk around the “GOLD RUSH COLONY” best described as a theme park type of thing and back to the cabin for a few drinks and watch the Wallabies get beat again!!! Made arrangements to meet up with “Bad Scott” for breakfast in Ulladulla. 

A great view to have breakfast overlooking the harbor, brilliant!!! And a good laugh.
After breakfast headed to Canberra for the Sunday night, arrive mid afternoon then did some tourist things around Canberra stopped at the Telstra tower, National War Memorial  (certainly a place all Australians need to visit), Parliament house then to the national mint only to realise Linda was looking at a week day time not weekend so we went back to the hotel ordered in room service then an early-ish night.

Monday’s drive Canberra – Goulburn –Sydney – Goulburn – Home a few Maccas stops and a big 14hrs of driving. now just looking fwd to some real  camping as the weather gets better 

A few pics of the main street of Mogo and the park itself