Saturday, 1 December 2018

Cumberland River Holiday Park, GOR Vic

Weekend spent at Cumberland Rover Holiday Park on the "Great Ocean Road" in Vic,

Arrived on the Thursday just after lunch to set up along the river where Hutchie + Wendy had already arrived and were setting up afternoon of nibble, quick dinner and lots of laughs and drinks to midnight a great evening was had

Woke on the Friday to a cloudy/overcast day went over to the beach but was blocked off due to damage to steps leading down to the beach being “unsafe”, just a lazy day around camp Malcolm + Nikki arrived around 2pm and set up camp, Ventured into Lorne in the afternoon needing to get some diesel for the heater, we used it the previous night for the first time and absolutely sensational, great investment and will increase our camping season by some months. Back to camp for nibbles, dinner the some hours around the camp fire with wood brought via Hutchie after stopping to pick up $60 for hale a cubic metre compared to $20 a bag sold at the park

Saturday was the pick of the day’s great weather tested out the new 250w solar panels and worked great over to the beach for a walk around (ignored the signs as most had done” then into Lorne for a ice-cream back to camp to prepare the “evening combined meal” and a “chris kringle event where we all brought a present either a $20 limit or something regifted ! The park was filling up quickly until a little storm hit around 6pm where a number of there tents and caps were torn apart and just about everyone who arrived during the afternoon had left after it. Dinner was a success with the weather and meal was enjoyed by all.

Bed around 10pm storm during the night with heavy rain and wind fortunately had cleared by morning with sunshine to dry out the camper packed up then was hit by another shower that lasted a few minutes very lucky we packed when we did otherwise we would have had to wait until it dried out again. 3.5hr drive home from another great weekend away